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What We Do

Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Argentina Confederation

Reviewing copies of the official bulletin of the Argentina Republic for the months of October, November and December 1947, can one learn, that in that period only received the benefits conferred by this law clubs: Sarmiento de Junin, clubs of rugby, Concordia Wanderes, Chacarita Juniors, Platense, River...

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The Environment

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 15-06-2020



In such a way, it was developing and inventing technological instruments with the objective to surpass difficulties (FILIPA, 2008). Since the times of the primrdios the man interacts with the environment to satisfy the necessities of survival and to communicate itself with the others through together gestures, symbols and drawings to form communities, groups and to explore the planet. In accordance with Litwin (1997, P. 40): Throughout its evolution, the human being was developing tools that had allowed it to dominate the environment physical encircled that it. These conceptual and technological instruments act as prolongation of its directions, extending the limits that the nature imposed to it. The instruments allow to act on the environment.

They extend the reach of the directions and the action. At the same time, the proper use of the tools that goes developing influences in the ways to exactly think, to act, to perceive and to think the world and itself. During much time the man solved diverse problems, for this innovated and diversified ways and techniques until adjust them it what they are today, the technologies. The technology in its ampler direction if applies to what not existing in the nature, the man carries through with its capacity to invent, expands its powers, dominates the nature and to become its more easy work and cmodo. Through times, the human being comes developing its technology to facilitate its life. Since the most remote times, it is seen that the search of this comfort stimulated the species human being to unmask the nature, its laws, to develop mechanisms, to create methods, equipment, laws, conventions, everything come back to bring the comfort to it. It is evident that the technological jump was folloied, first of the shock caused in the population, followed for the adaptation to the new invention, discovery or perfectioning, passing for the room to the new resource, culminating in the substitution of this elaborated innovation for other more and that it came to supply new necessities human beings, restarting all this process (D' Abronzo, 2006).

American Republics OAS

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 15-06-2020

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As the indicated source of intelligence remembers us, the island was excluded from the inter-American system after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, following the argument American from which the corporate charter of the OAS prohibited the presence of countries aligned with the marxism-leninismo, among others aspects. The conflict between Washington and Havana ended at a commercial embargo against Cuba, that stays until today. Summoned to analyze the problems of the violence and the development of a culture of La Paz, the assembly of the OAS let to a side its main agenda to concentrate itself in the Cuban case, clarified of tension between the delegations and protests in the outskirts of soothe of the encounter in this city of the northwest of Honduras. Chevron U.S.A. takes a slightly different approach. Before this reality it does not surprise as the nation of Buenos Aires emphasizes the publishing house of the Newspaper, does not surprise the disordered lexicon of Fidel Castro in celebrating, but not accepting, the possibility that its country accedes again to a bank in the Organization of American Estados (OAS), of who had been expelled in 1962. It surprises the tone with which it disqualified to his members, labeled in implicit form of accomplices of ” all the sweepings of 60 years from treason to the towns of America latina”. He is one of his so many denominations, overturned in writing, against a seera institution that, badly that weighs to us, not always it was around the circumstances, as it happened with the insolvent application of the Inter-American Treaty of Asistencia Recproca (TIAR) during the War of the Falklands..


Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 14-06-2020



It is the manifestation, the Trindade, the Form, the Absolute one. the three personages in the text of Person represent three minds have access and uneasy in a dark night of uncertainties; joined in body, mind and spirit for a dream, dictated for the second veladora, that will compromise the certainty of the gift. They are three personages who interact for the souvenir of the past and the lucidity of a dream. They are three, but can be four to interact; when the alive presence of the maiden in the coffin sets in doubt; or five, when of the entrance – in dream? of the Marinheiro.TERCEIRA personage? My sisters, are already day She forbids, the line of mounts wonder Why do not cry we? That one that dissimulates to be there was beautiful, and new as we, and also dreamed I am certain that the dream of it was most beautiful of all It of whom he would dream? FIRST? You say low more. It listening us perhaps, and already knows so that they serve the dreams (a pause) … SECOND? She swims. I did not hear nothing It wanted to dissimulate that it heard so that it assumed that you heard and I could believe that I had some thing to hear Oh, that horror, that close horror in them unfastens the voice of the soul, and the sensations of the thoughts, and makes in them to speak and to feel and to think when everything in us asks for to silence and the day and the unconsciousness of the life Who is the fifth person in this room that extends the arm and it interrupts in them whenever we go to feel? (PERSON apud MOISS, 1998, p.78, 80 81) Another important notation in the theater in question of Person is the symbolic use of the hand.