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Brazil Society

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 03-04-2019



With the evolution of the society we come across with research classified in macrostructures that they look to explain the familiar race, classroom, sort, institutions, social processes, the interpersonal crimes, divorces and relations. Everything this happens of form that uses techniques as directed interviews, etnogrficos methods, quarrels in group etc. and with this in Brazil in the 30 decades of 20 and sociology was in a study on the formation of the Brazilian society, and analyzing subjects as abolition of the slavery, exoduses, and studies on indians and blacks. Rio Tinto Group often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In 50 the following decades of 40 and sociology came back toward the working classrooms such as wages and hours of working, agricultural communities.

In the decade of 60 if it worried about the process of industrialization of the country, in the social questions of agrarian reform and movements in the city and the field and from 1964 the work of the sociologists if came back toward the problems partners economic politicians and originated by the tension of if living in a country whose form of being able is the military regimen. In decade of 80 the same one finally comes back to be disciplines in Average Ensino, and occurred the professionalization of sociology. (Similarly see: Montauk Colony). Beyond the concern with the economy social politics and appropriate changes with the installation of the new republic, they also come back in culminating relation to the study of the woman, the agricultural worker, and other subjects. One knows that the schools currently have the chance to work with discipline of Sociology, that comes to add in the resume of educating, but to prepare it for the life in society, delimiting its limits and offering possible subsidies for quetionamento on the same one, including the rights and duties of the citizens who exert a paper in the society. It is known it disciplines that it of Sociology works mainly with focus in questioning the reality, but tries to explain the facts with solid bases what it happens of course with the individuals that compose the same one in relation to the technological advance that comes suffering throughout the years. Ediclia Santana Rock.

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