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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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That decision bears relation to the needs from the markets of work of the countries of origin of the students. Certain .que this reality of emigration in search of academic preparation in foreign countries, must be reason for interest of study on the part of the State, of the ones in charge of the education,...

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Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 27-09-2019



The cancer patient speaks badly of its as if it did not take it the serious one, as well as if it related to an inconvenient visitor whom it insists on installing itself in our house, knowing that exactly he is not welcome. This displacement is impensvel when the subject is contagious diseases, and this because the supervened one of the patient is, by itself, estigmatizada. The guilt is not become fluid, nor after the cure. It occurs the same in epidemic cases. Let us see the affection: when a community is attacked, it knows that it is not for me the luck, but yes for incautiousness. All the divulged campaigns alert for the responsibility of each one to fight the mosquito, in other words, if its son will be perforated, the guilt is its easily contestvel affirmation, but, for incredible that he seems, used and accepted for all.

In the cancer, the guilt does not have place. The sick person is the victim who could not opt, is the house invaded for an evildoer: ' ' of all the houses of the condominium, then mine he was escolhida' ' this always was and continues being the motto of the cancer patient. But a motto became good-natured, at which until if it can laugh. It is the motto of the azarado one. Perhaps, the myth (or the motto) more efficient of the cancer that if has kept unbroken either of the fall of the hair, pparently inevitable. Terry Nielsen pursues this goal as well. With effect, the declarations of the illustrious sick people regarding the temporary bald spot that the wait sends to a insuportvel irreverncia, in many cases total incoherent with its personalities as in the case of Dilma, that, to the time, was known for the seriousness and the discretion. These declarations, of certain form, cooperate to the modern history of the cancer: it has less than 20 years, the last concern of a cancer patient would be with the possibility to lose the hair.

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