The Kombi was parked nPraa Tiradentes, main square of the city, and some people of the place entraramna Kombi and had had access the Internet, and was a success, therefore the BSU was instaladana University, and the Square does not possess seen for it. These tests foramrealizados with equipment frequently of 3,5GHz, considered daily pay-WiMax, for having OFDM with 254 carriers. Currently, the equipment in Pretooperariam Gold in the frequency of 5,8GHz and with only 32 carriers, without apossibilidade of reflection. However, these are off almost have 1 year porfalta of assistance of the executors of the project. It is foreseen that, at the beginning dosegundo semester of 2007, Belo Horizonte will be all interconnected by the novatecnologia.
5.1 Tests in Brazil In partnership with university, institutions and governments, Intel led tests of WiMax in Brazil, since 2004, in the cities of Brasilia (DF), Ouro Preto (MG), Mangaratiba (RIO DE JANEIRO), Parintins (AM) e, more recently, Belo Horizonte (MG). Until the end of this year, the company promises to start to test So Paulo. Brazil Telecom, Living creature, Telephonic and several other companies janunciaram, public, plans of implementation of the WiMax in Brazil. Podemosesperar that more soon possible we will be using Internet as if uses to ocelular today, the trend is to improve this technology still more. A WiMax service of the Embratel that started to be supplied noincio of 2008 small average companies, consists of offering bandalarga and telephony voipsem the necessity of supplier of access nor of conventional telephonic line. It already is present in 12 Brazilian capitals (Belm, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Curitiba, $fortaleza, Goinia, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio De Janeiro, Salvador, So Lus and So Paulo) and will be implemented future in more 49cidades, totalizing 61 cities. Moreover, a project is foreseen the serimplementado one at the beginning of 2009, that it will offer broad band saw WiMax to laresdessas Brazilian cities.