It is in fact a very dramatical moment ' ' (grifos ours). Here, as it is verified, differently of there, the speech of impact politician not if arrima in causes, but in effect, thus understood the drama and the rescue of the presidential commentary, and tragedy of manchete eneberreana. While there the Japanese minister fulls the mouth to make responsible the two cold and sangunrios giants – the earthquake and tsunami – for the deaths and the estragos; while in the words of Naoto transuda Kan the certainty of that no cultural vice collaborated in the precipitation of the calamity, was not possible here to show similar intrepidez. Here, the speech, seeming to inflectir to the touch of a spaced out inspiration, however draws a simbolista, intent style to the associative suggestions of the words, however a rational, reflective style, more compromised with the intelectiva representation of the reality. Simbolista me seems the style of the NBR that in its manchete tries to involve the disaster of the Carioca mountain range, concrete and rude, in the mist of the tragedy, an abstraction aesthetic, been born with Greek myths of century VI B.C., and desbancada for the rational speech of Scrates. Bold, without a doubt, however providencial style.
Providencial because he would be half embarrassing to admit that ours hecatombe was caused exclusively for summer rains, routine, previsible, and perfectly controlable, that is, caused without the complicity of cultural factors. It says already it presidential, even though formulated in the mat of rubbles, and still loaded of symbolism, she seems inclined not to lose of sight the brutal dialectic of the events. When classifying as dramatical the moment of its visit to the Carioca mountain range, I think that Its Excellency wanted to mention itself to the sofreguido of who not only searched its deceased under the mud and the garbage, but also to the social tensions, the perplexity, the fidget, the absurd ratios of the disaster.