The Soyuz-1 more than crashed in the ground the 340 km/h, killing Vladimir Komarov immediately (SPACEFACTS, 2010). It did not have possibility of the Soviet Union to keep tragedy of the Soyuz-1 in secret, as was habit of the Communists, for some reasons. As the launching happened as part of the commemorations for the anniversary of Lnin, the flight was very ovacionado in the Soviet press and it would not have as to deny the death of the cosmonaut to the end of the mission. Moreover, for being the first flight of new espaonave, it had interest in the Ocidente even though on as it would be the course of the mission. The messages of Komarov to the Land informing on the problems with the ship had been caught in diverse countries. 2.3.1.
Consequncias After the tragedy of the Soyuz-1 the Soyuz-2, that does not take off, passed for a minute inspection and uncovered that the same defect in the parachute of the first ship also existed in this (SPACEFACTS, 2010). Thus, if the Soyuz-2 had taken off, the Soviet Union would have lost one, but four not only cosmonauts. It can be affirmed then that the tragedy of a mission saved another crew of the certain death. With the disaster of the Soyuz-1 the Soviets had had of to redesign its ships and to carry through an intense inquiry. This fact made with that eighteen months without carrying through manned space flights passed more. Added to the explosion of the gigantic N-1 rocket, in July of 1969, this fact made with that the Soviets were launched still more stop backwards in the Space Race, losing any possibility to arrive at the Moon before the United States (WHITE, 2003). 2.4. SOYUZ-11 In April of 1970 the Soviet Union launched to the space the first space station of History, the Saliut-1.