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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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They are the creators of their own history and suffering superadores. The theology of the release is theology, precisely because he thrives on that source other than that other modern theologies have nourished and because it understood the need to return to the Bible as a text guide the release. Her...

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Steering Committee Planet

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 20-04-2014

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Earth hour is a symbolic act. Turn off the light for one hour not objective is to save energy. The goal is to generate a space for thinking about the planet and the consequences of human action. It is a way in which people can get involved and require action anywhere that are. It is an easy way to participate regardless of the location, age, race, religion or income level.

What does that make a city to participate in earth hour? Sign a letter to the Foundation life Silvestre Argentina, assuming the commitment to earth hour in your town, and mentioning what monuments or emblematic public buildings in the city shut down on Saturday March 26 between 20: 30 and 21: 30 hs. The letter can be sent by postal mail to defence 251, 6 K (C1065AAC) – Buenos Aires, Argentina – or mail: invite key stakeholders of the municipality to give support to the initiative. Promote earth hour with posters on public roads or in mass media of communication, citing the accession of the municipality to the campaign organized by the Foundation life Silvestre Argentina. Disseminate the initiative using all the communication tools that are at your fingertips: web page, e-mails, bulletins, among others. How can your company add when it comes to the planet? By turning off the light and showing your support to turn off the lights of your company in support when it comes to the planet, you show the interest of your organization for this campaign, and ayudas to spread the message.

Your company can help by turning off all non-essential in emblematic buildings, posters and electronic marquee lights, and informing wildlife about your actions. Spreading the message invites to your employees, customers and suppliers to join the earth hour. Here, we propose some ways to spread the message among your groups of interest: ask your employees, customers, suppliers, Steering Committee and partners who register their support for the campaign by entering in and register and incentivalos so join La Hora on the planet.

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