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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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NAAB Valley Nabburg

Winter hiking in Bavaria on the Jura platform to the NAAB Valley Nabburg (tvo). The air is fresh and clear, Frost is located on the meadows and snow crystals glisten in the trees: A walk on the Jura trail in the upper Palatine forest has its own special charm in the winter. Starting from the Vils leads...

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Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 10-08-2019

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The town of Neuss on leistungsdiagnostik.de has turned to an unusual project. Dormagen, already several months ago, Dr. Sascha Severin joined July 8, 2010 by the Office of the city of Neuss by leistungsdiagnostik.de approach, asking whether it was possible to measure the exact calories of a person under stress. He was just in the right place at the Dormagen Diagnostics experts. Where otherwise normally marathon runner, optimize your training triathletes or athletes health, a Roman Legionary in full gear should be tested now. Perhaps check out David Long for more information. It’s clear that the team of leistungsdiagnostik.de immediately was fire and flame, to carry out this exciting and unusual experiment. The enthusiastic triathlete Sascha Severin left it it not take himself in the role of the legionary to slip.

While the project at leistungsdiagnostik.de slowly took shape, worked in the background meticulously on the equipment of the Roman soldiers. Faithfully as possible should the different weapons, clothing and Be things of daily life, the legionary at the test on the treadmill in the Dormagener test centre should carry. Under expert advice by Dr. Carl break and his assistant Sebastian Hansen from the Clemens-sels-Museum, Neuss, were detailed replicas of the equipment manufactures. Mass and weight correspond to this as far as possible the ancient original.

The templates to do so provided among other archaeological finds and images from nearby Neuss. The clothing of the legionary, a linen tunic and a sweaty-woolen Toga, Sascha Severin was specially tailored on the body. Of modern functional underwear so no trace. About this Unterkleidern, the legionary of the world at that time wore a pretty chain shirt, which made up a large part of the weight of over 30 kg heavy equipment. Rather than jewellery, rather than protection against abrasive pieces of armor formed another important detail a scarf. Helmet, shield and the Cingulum”(a type of lower body protection) provided the necessary body armor in the melee.

Junior Javelin Thrower

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 08-08-2019

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A testing of the German Javelin squad took place at the headquarters of the German University of prevention and health management and the BSA-Akademie in Saarbrucken, health tests and info event at its headquarters in Saarbrucken on Friday, January 22, 2010. This was done in the context of extensive testing in collaboration with the national sports school of the Saarland and the Sports Science Institute in Saarbrucken, Germany. Among the participants were included Matthias De Zordo U20 European Championships 2007, and Alexander Vieweg, U23 European Champion 2007. Boris Henry, former Javelin thrower, Bachelor in economics of fitness and current Javelin national coach, was in the testing on the grounds of Hermann Neuberger sports schools on-site. In the framework of the testing the athletes from the A/B – and C-Squad about their career prospects in the future market were informed prevention, fitness, and health: of the 50 State-approved and part-time qualifications at the BSA Academy to recognised the international Bachelor’s and master’s degree at the German College. In the headquarters of the German University of prevention and health management and their sister company, the BSA-Akademie, a testing of the German Javelin squad took place on Friday, January 22, 2010.

National coach, who was even with the testing in Saarbrucken on the spot testing of Boris Henry, former Javelin thrower and Javelin throw was initiated. Boris Henry graduated from the German University recently with the academic degree Bachelor of Arts\”towards the study of fitness economy down. Among the tested Javelin launchers were among others also Matthias De Zordo, U20 Championship and Alexander Vieweg, U23 European champion. An overall picture of the individual health of individual athletes is designed by selected tests. So, any responsive can be detected early and offset by training. At the same time, a targeted health care from that level of power production is interesting: because it ensures a consistently high level of performance through the reduction of injury-related downtimes.