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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Social Media In The Enterprise

Successful kick-off event, the \”Social media in the enterprise\” collective intelligence of employees take advantage of special interest group with the idea of establishing a special interest group on the topic of social media in the enterprise has the bwcon together with the know-how! AG...

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Sven Hochreiter

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 06-08-2019

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Readers also have the opportunity to win prizes worth a total of 12.040,00 for the big anniversary sweepstakes. And for each sent participants to the competition the Institute donates 10,00 on the initiative Germany land of ideas”by Horst Kohler. Charitable act, personal progress! The magazine is available for free as a PDF download on the website of the Institute. Alternatively, a printed copy via email at the Institute can be requested). Logins, the Jubilee magazine and all other information concerning the Jubilee year of the rhetoric Institute anniversary can be found at under the heading”. Contact the Institute of Zienterra GmbH Alfred-Rademacher-str.

2 country house in the new Park D 53332 Bornheim near Bonn email: Web: phone: + 49 (0) 22 22 / 91 17 0 fax: + 49 (0) 22 22 / 61 82 6 press contact: Institute of rhetoric and communication, Sven Hochreiter, Clara Sydow email: phone number: 0 22 22 / 91 17 0 rhetoric and communication Institute Germany’s first Institute of rhetoric and communications is celebrating its 50th year. Much has happened since the early days. Starting in 1960, the Institute first took his seat in Cologne. 1970 one then moved to Bornheim near Bonn at the country house in the new Park. Learning through experience”should be the guiding principle of two pioneers, the Institute founder Alfred Rademacher and his later partners of Gunter Zienterra. They developed and established their own methods as important building blocks in rhetoric and communications. Rade maker experience rhetoric is a trademark of the Institute today. Their rhetoric training contribute to changes in behaviour of the people and to further develop their broke this potential in. Gain insight and clarity with Jeffrey Hayzlett.

Because every human being – so the unmodified credo of the Institute – can speak convincingly. The special feature of the Zienterra method: the seminar leader is the Director, who tracks the existing resources of its participants, to lead the individual to his beneficial life role. Professionals and executives, companies and managers from all sectors of the economy have remained faithful in the individual and team training and news highlight on the seminar work of the last 50 years. “The participants, early to the conscious dealing with the word Yes” said, are successful over the decades. In addition to the open seminars, which take place in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Bornheim/Bonn, London, the Institute offers additional customized inhouse training and coaching and consulting. With Zienterra, everyone can get stuck. To help people and promote remains the foremost concern of the Institute.