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Trend of Science

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 07-11-2013



It is a philosophical movement, politician, social, economic and cultural – that defended the use of the reason as optimum way to reach the freedom, the autonomy and the emancipation. As it always happens, the movements of reaction to the effective one, through the times, distort and manipulate history to justify its objectives and ideas. In the classic antiquity, even so Greece was the cradle of the rationalism, amongst its thinkers had some tying with deeply msticas chains, the example of the rficos, Pythagoreans, neoplatnicos, beyond the institutions of mysteries of Dionsio, Elusis and Samotrcia. He had, moreover, a great allure of the Greeks for the Egyptian mysteries. These cultures of the antiquity had a long tradition of medical priests and scientists, not having no separation between science and religion. However, it was in Greece that had appeared the first attempts of if creating one to know scientific, purely independent of myths and the religion, and that it generated a long series of independent racionalistas thinkers.

With the Christianity, the hole between science and religion was gone deep, much even so if has registered the existence of religious dedicated to science as Roger Bacon and Great Alberto. The inquisition was the extreme and pathological point reached by the intolerncia and the religious persecution. Thousands of people had been sacrificed in the fogueira for heresy or simple suspicion of heresy. The medieval religiosidade arrived at such points of affirmation of faith and method of clipping of the choice and thought freedom, that caused revolt and a search for the opposing extremity: the negation of all the values of the faith and the espiritualidade, searching in the greco-roman philosophers and classic artists the inspiration for new forms of thought and expression.

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