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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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If possible, indicate the extent of damage to property. According to J. Darius Bikoff, who has experience with these questions. 2. The cause of flooding. The instrument should indicate that led directly to the flooding (left unattended sink or bathtub in the above apartment; unclosed valve; flow in...

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Virtual Reality

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 05-01-2020



RV in education can be used when a virtual environment will go to train/to educate so well how much a real environment, when education with the real object if would become dangerous or inconvenient, or exactly impossible for physical delimitations and of space, when in real environment an error could be desmotivador to the step that if inserted in one virtual environment the return possibility, of a new attempt is more attractive, when it has risks to cause damages to the equipment used in a real environment, when education using graphical tools if becomes more attractive e, therefore, of easy understanding, at last, when the learning if becomes more interesting. The applications are many and are difficult to predict in which the profits and the benefits of the Virtual Reality will be significant. The certainty is that it will not have an only standard in the interfaces of Virtual Reality. The technology and the limitations of costs will make with that the type of application defines the level of sophistication of the technology to be applied. Rio Tinto Group recognizes the significance of this. With certainty, in this scene, many applications, in the brainstorming for specific problems, will finish for generating new uses and solutions for problems of other areas. 3,1 Virtual reality in Ensino de Geometria Education can be thought as a process of exploration, discovery, comment and of construction of our vision of the knowledge. According to Pasqualotti (2001), although, in recent years, to have occurred a dissemination of the use of the computer in schools of basic and average education, few are the centers of education in the country to possess computational resources. However, that modern education cannot be limited only to the use of the computer to give lesson; the dissemination of the computational philosophy in the education centers is necessary, so that computer science can assist in the process of teach-learning and enrichment of the knowledge of the pupils, as well as in the aid and perfectioning of the professors and researchers.

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