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World Health Organization

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 14-05-2014


Asthma is to the World Health Organization: asthma is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing, which vary in severity and frequency of one person to another. The symptoms may occur several times a day or a week, and some people are aggravated during physical activity or at night that is shortness of breath? It is that feeling of shortness of breath, and wheezing? that whistle or moan that feels in the mouth and chest that are fighting for breath did you know that many famous sportsmen live with this disease, which does not prevents them from carrying out high competition sports? some of them are: David Beckham (England) football champion of England; English League Cup; Champions League, Spanish League champion. Dennis Rodman (USA) Player of basketball in the NBA. Jackie Joyner-Kersee (USA) runner in athletics. Six times in Games gold medalalla Olympic. Tom Dolan (USA) swimmer.

Record of the 400 meters world and Olympic gold medalist. Miguel Indurain (Spain) professional road bicycle racer. Five time winner of the Tour de France, the world champion and Olympic gold medalist. Jose Luis Gonzalez (Spain) runner in athletics. 1500 M indoor world record. Kurt Grote (USA) swimmer. In 1996 Olympic gold medalist Bruce Davidson (USA) equestrian medallist of gold and silver Olmipico. Nancy Hogshead (USA) swimmer.

Three times Olympic gold medalist. Bill Kock (USA) skier’s background medallist Olmpico. Jim (Catfish) Hunter (USA) baseball player. Alex Zuelle (Switzerland) cyclist winner of the vuelta in Spain. History tells us that in one of the encounters of the army of Che Guevara and the troops of Batista, who had a military force far superior to the of the Commander, the latter were forced to flee scaling a steep sierra slopes to take cover. At that time the Che was in one of the worst access to asthma suffered by him so far, so much so that a teammate had to load it on his shoulders to prevent it were captured. After a moment of persecution the Batista’s army began a strong onslaught with mortars and machine guns. At that time Che Guevara forgetting their lack of air and unrest started to run, ahead of even surpassing fellow and the cima and finding a place for sure. Rate of this fact Che Guevara used to joke there is no better treatment for an asthma attack than the fire of the enemy on the basis of this anecdote we can ask ourselves what is asthma? What influences the psychological factor in asthma attacks? We cannot act on this factor for the treatment of asthma? Luckily today we have very effective in the treatment of asthma and prevention of their attacks, but there are very simple factors which together can change the course of asthma. I hope that les has interested thank you!

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