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SITI/asLAN’s organization works the months prior to the fair counting with the support and collaboration of outstanding sector bodies: INTECO, National Institute of technology and communication; Fundacion ASTIC, Professional Association of the body’s systems and technologies of the information...

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Popularity Contest vs. Value added

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 12-07-2012


Having two young children forces a view of the world once forgotten. As we get older..we overthink things…analyze..make things more complicated than they need to be. Our minds race…are we forgetting something that could increase our chances of success’ Let’s dumb it down. As a child, being lined up the very first time in gym class. Two kids choosing who will be on their team. It is a critical moment that we will never forget for the remainder of our lives. It seems as though attractive and popular kids are chosen first while the shy and unique kids are at the end. Teams are chosen, the games begin. The playing field is leveled as the unattractive and last to be chosen are given a chance at bat to prove that they are worthy of a first pick next time around. As the game progresses, the value of players shifts in the minds of coaches and players. Little do they know that the foundation for the rest of their lives is being formed. We as professionals have an opportunity to define ourselves by adding value to each and every one of our clients. Being the most popular may jump start your career and get you picked first as you embark on a new career path. But ultimately it is how you play the game and add value to the team that will get you picked first the next time around. I am off to the beach to play with the kids .


Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 09-07-2012


Forex, short for Foreign Exchange (Foreign Exchange Currency). Also known as International Market of Foreign Exchange. Having led many different businesses from start-up stages to public offerings, is an outstanding business leader. The foreign currency market (Forex or FX) exists wherever one currency is traded with another (such as an exchange house). The market is largely world’s largest in terms of cash value traded, and includes trade among large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions . The British army and its imperial forces in Canada, Australia and New Zealand issued identification tags by the beginning of the First World War. The tags were made of fiber, one red and one green in a chain around the neck. The same pattern is carried in World War II and the Korean War by the forces of the Commonwealth.
The U.S. Army first authorized identification cards in the War Department by General Order No. 204, dated December 20, 1906, as well as Kennedy had offered:
“An aluminum identification tag, with the size of half dollar and silver suitable thickness, stamped with the name, rank, company, regiment or corps of the user, that would be used by each officer and enlisted man in the army. The label must be suspended from the neck underneath the clothing by a cord or strap that passes through a small hole in the card. It is prescribed as part of the uniform and when not worn as described in this document should be kept in possession of the owner. The label will be issued by the Department of soldiers and supplies free of cost price to officers … “
The Army regulations change on July 6, 1916 so that two tags were issued to all soldiers: one to stay with the body and the other to go to the person in charge of the burial for record-keeping. In 1918, the Army approved the name and serial numbers are stamped on the identification of all enlisted soldiers. (The first serial number was assigned to Arthur B. Crean of Chicago). In 1969 the Army approved the Social Security number is stamped for identification. Some nations (eg Germany) instead of two, had a single label with identical information on both sides of the same, which could easily be broken for the purpose of record keeping.

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