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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Classy Freebies – The Decanter

Printed with a logo company are the decanter as freebies here quite discreetly. A decanter is an Ausschenken container for wine. From a decanter, the wine tastes that wine connoisseurs know particularly well. The decanter is made of glass and can also be fitted with a logo. Because decanter made of glass,...

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Social Affairs

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 01-05-2013

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However in contrast to the above above the basic philosophy of social responsibility proposes that we are all part of a social system and all share our lives on the same planet. We must act in congruence with this reality, make us responsible for our actions, comply with society within the ethical framework and social responsibility benefits ethics assumes that: most of the business decisions have an ethical element, therefore, managers should include ethics for understanding organizations. Many of the companies that keep trying to institutionalize ethical policies have created specific organizations to implement these ethics policies on Social Affairs tend to give rise to a constant debate between the large institutions that compete. Ethics is the study of the way in which our decisions affect others. Codes of ethics, which were rare thing, are now becoming more frequent. Many companies think that codes of ethics are warning employees that business decisions should take into account ethical and economic considerations. For its part the social responsibility assumed: the more fortunate members of society should help the less fortunate. Companies have commissioned to multiply the wealth of society.

Organizations assume the social responsibility for the benefit itself, well understood, or at least must be responsive to the social forces. Managers seek to apply the principles of the social contract in its processes to make decisions and the policies of their companies. Conclusions the management should most identified with the role of ethics and make giving this along with social responsibility at the company, where everyone must be committed therein Many critics claim that in these times this ethics in crisis. Every day read headlines dealing with the topic. Controversies regarding the traffic of influence in Italy, Japan and United States; the consequences of implant silicone breasts; excess car rental charges and the commercial practices unfair by the large retailers have encouraged a new interest for the role of ethics in business.

All the above adds to Wall Streetm scandals in some executives, government officials both in the United States and in the same Venezuela and the crisis of the societies of credit for example in 1980, the financial crisis of 2009 which ensuciaron the reputation of many organizations. Not uncommon that Louis Harris polls thrown at that time carried out 70% of the public responds negatively to the question: the companies that their executives behave in a legal and ethical manner are responsible?. Remember to keep in mind, that the basic terms from the language of the ethics are values, rights, obligations, rules and relations, that management aspects should not be neglected.