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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Exogenous Conditions

To manage to discipline to us is an activity that requires a permanent commitment with one same one, the human beings we lived on habits, many of them are quite difficult to change because they are well ingrained to our being, but exist a force much greater than any habit and are the true desire of change,...

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Partial Note Base

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 17-12-2013



With responsibility of the ABNT. Baptism as Model of Gravey the production of scientific texts if configures in the trend of the fast production, dissemination and discarding of great part of what it has been produced and outdated. 2 CRITICAL AND SUGGESTIONS FOR DOCUMENTARY COMPUTER SCIENCE Analyzing the techniques of thematic content of the functionality of the metadados ones we observe that an adoption needs including perspective, plural and differentiated that facilitates the digital preservation, categorizing documents with the simple objective to identify given in the different contexts.

However nowadays it is said very in Ontologia stops bibliographical Document description, as way more adjusted to cure this deficiency, in view of the gradual ratio of the information. In view of, the difficulty faced for the managers of the information in the recovery and representation of the information, in data base, currently, we face the debates and we argue new semantic forms of if using of metadados of matrix, for one searchs efficient breaching with the traditional one, in the case techniques of syntactic base for a lxica adequacy (Word-key). Today a metadados way of creation is argued of from Ontologias. ‘ ‘ A ontologia is a set of terms hierarchically structuralized for the description of a domain that can be used as a basic skeleton for a base of conhecimento’ ‘ (HEUSER; BONIFACIO, 2000.). 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES In view of everything what it is argued in the debates contemporaries we need to search way more appropriate, aiming at the recovery of the information that it is aspect-key to think itself about politics of document indexation.

To elaborate systems or models that allow searches through concepts that qualify the recovery semantics in collections of information this are a great challenge. This work, objective to consider a model of metadados semantic based in ontologias for searches in Digital Libraries or Centers of Information. Beyond only, requirement for attainment of the Partial Note. (moving of idea).

Cultural Heritage

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 02-12-2013



And only then strengthens the surface with using a special primer to stop further destruction, and only then restore its original appearance with the help of special plaster and paint formulations. The correct choice of technologies and materials has great importance in reconstruction work. According to specialists from other disciplines of building restoration is distinguished by its traditional and conservative. New technologies in this area are rare, their use is possible only after lengthy trials. After the error restorer can turn irreparable loss. However, innovation is still common. Many of them are designed to facilitate the work restorers. Russian specialists know about them first hand, what could be concluded, having visited last this year in St.

Petersburg ii International specialized exhibition "Cultural Heritage: conservation, restoration and renovation. " According to her professors who visited the University of California, John Asmus, Russia is a leader in using advanced restoration technology. Retain original appearance historic buildings, using conventional staining or plastering, it is often difficult. Permanently protect the wall and at the same time preserve the beauty of monumental structures allow for transparent materials protection of facades. For example, among other experts release a product Remmers Historic Lasur (Remmers, Germany). This translucent glazing coating, which completely hides the traces of repair. Dry film that occurs after its use, has a soil-repellent properties and high resistance to weathering.

A huge selection of colors to recreate virtually any color. Today this method is widely used for restore the facades of historic buildings. For example, silicone Remmers dyes were used in the restoration of the building gum in Moscow.

Urban Garbage

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 02-12-2013



This work has for purpose to say on the urban garbage and the environment, its objective is to acquire knowledge the population on as to take care of of its proper garbage, being known which the importance to recycle. With this project it will better have aid in the preservation of the environment and the awareness of the population on as to destine its residues correctly. Nowadays it has a great disinformation to this respect and the majority of the people does not make the correct separation of the garbage. This is a universal problem, therefore its inadequao brings some complications to the health of the people and the environment. The solution for such question does not depend only on governmental attitudes or decision of companies, also must be fruit of the will and common-sense of each citizen in recycle its proper garbage and many people depends on this activity of recycling to survive. It was for this reason that I chose this subject ‘ ‘ urban garbage and the environment ‘ ‘ , in such a way I will contribute in the one of the formation it criticizes of the population therefore we must stimulate the sustainable development, so that our generation not only can usufruct the natural benefits that we also have but the future generations, thus having cleaner and healthful a better society.

2. Theoretical Referencial 2,1 Urban Garbage Each inhabitant of a responsible city and for the production of approximately 0,6kg of garbage per day only in its residences. To the domiciliary garbage, if added still the residues generated for the industries, hospitals, schools, store and other types of establishments, beyond those collected by the street sweepers, a city as So Paulo finishes daily producing about 12.000 tons of garbage, that correspond to a volume equivalent to the one of a building of 30 floors.