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What We Do

Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Touy Libraries

It was in the United States in 1934, where he opened the first toy library (the Toy Loan), in the city of Los Angeles, California. This copied the system of a lending library, but leaving in place of books, toys for use at home. In Europe, the Toy Library will not appear until 1959 in Denmark in particular....

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Organic Senescncia Capacity

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 18-02-2014



This concept if opposes to senility, also called pathological aging, and that it is understood as the damages to the health associates with the time, however caused for illnesses or bad habits of health. Aging or cellular senescncia is the phenomenon where isolated cells demonstrate an limited ability of if dividing in a way of culture, as well as the alterations elucidated biochemists or not associates to this limitation. Organic Senescncia is the aging of the organism as a whole, on one, among others phenomena, to the cellular aging. The aging of the organism generally is characterized by the reduction of the capacity to answer the challenges to the organic function. These challenges in general burden the functional capacity of our agencies and systems, that diminish with passing of the years. Of interesting form, in healthful young individuals e, this functional capacity if finds very beyond the necessary one for the quotidiano, of form that exists a denomidada functional reserve; the physiological or normal aging can also be understood as a gradual reduction of this functional reserve, of form to diminish the reply capacity the challenges. This reduction in the capacity to keep the homostasis of the organism has been called homeostenose and is on the gradually bigger risks of illness or loss of the functional capacity. For this reason, the death is the final consequence of the aging, but valley to notice that the reduction of the functional reserves in human beings is slow and gradual, being compatible with the healthful life in so advanced ages as of the centenarians. He is stress additional of illnesses d chronicles and the bad habits of life; as tobaccoism, alcoholism, sedentarismo, obesidade, the great villain for the health of the aged one: when reaching negative a functional reserve already normally diminished in relation the young that these cause organic insufficiences in less advanced ages.