They are the creators of their own history and suffering superadores. The theology of the release is theology, precisely because he thrives on that source other than that other modern theologies have nourished and because it understood the need to return to the Bible as a text guide the release. Her distance from other theologies of Atlantic origin, because it comes to knowledge of the varied communities that bring your experiences and struggles, in the construction of the Kingdom of God. It is not reject academic knowledge, rather it’s rescuing the popular nature of the theology of liberation, as fact own and original from Latin America, to enrich and give meaning to this scientific knowledge. Our people thought if same, first as oppressed people, then be repenso as the subject of his own release.
To conceive as a liberating subject, he had to go to their historical sources and drink from them. For this reason, the liberation theology should be seen as Polisemica, plurietnica and multicultural. The theology of liberation has many sources, such as varied are the faces and accents of our peoples. We will know the truth and she will make us free. When we speak of knowledge, speak of four fundamental characteristics: the subject who knows and is known to himself, the known object, the fact of knowing and of the results obtained in this work know. Based on these four points, let’s look at the subject, which in this case is humanity itself. The history of mankind, has been a long succession of events that have given rise to developments that have shaped the history of different peoples and cultures around the world. The human being is image of God or essential element of the story. Humans have abilities of reasoning and give solutions to the multiple problems that we face in life. We have capacity for good, for the arts, for the job, but we also have capabilities for other things, not so constructive.