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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Critical Analysis

The film demonstrated situations to the extremity lived by an adolescent, who when adentrar in the adolescence started to demonstrate fast changes, such as physical modifications and in the behavior of ample form. Referring to the film, it was possible to perceive that the mother of the adolescent in...

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Whole Wellness Club

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 03-09-2014


MLM (multilevel marketing) or – a form of nonstore retailers, in which agents (distributors) with the manufacturer’s make contacts with potential buyers. Sell a product, salesperson asks the buyer to find new buyers, who in turn asked to find regular buyers, etc. The agent receives a percentage of the sale of all he created a network of sellers. So, mlm or Network Marketing – means the delivery of goods direct from the producer to the consumer through multi-layered structure consisting of distributors. mlm – is one form of retailing in which each partner maintains its business, because the main problem is not the direct sale of goods, and create a network through which products are promoted and trained team members the art of doing business. Earnings from direct sales (straight commission) Distributors are much lower than that of the reward (team fees) that they receive from sales made by partners of the team. The projects mlm, usually being restricted width of the first line that is stipulated in the marketing plans.

This means that when constructing a network of distributors, each initially at the first level must be a certain number of new buyers, which he personally sponsored. For example, the draft Whole Wellness Club Initially, each distributor on the first level may be only two people, while creating a network of up to 6 levels (ie in your matrix will be 64 people) you can expand your first line of one person, this action You are greatly expanding its business. Limitations of first-line help to create a large and powerful hierarchical organization. mlm distributors are often referred to as a networker, sales agents, managers, authorized representatives or sponsors. Sponsoring means that each distributor takes on certain obligations under the training and support team members. Internet has expanded the mlm opportunities due to the possibility promotion on the Internet and the formation of a distribution network of online marketing methods. For e-MLM-business distributor is granted a commercial website. To create a network of distributors use banner advertising, email marketing or E-mail marketing, which is one of the areas of Direct marketing. The most effective way to create a distribution network to the Internet is in its own automated mailing letters. The main task of mailing letters is that it creates a database of buyers, which make up distribution network.

Personal Marketing

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 02-09-2014



Personal marketing not only is to see itself well, is more than that. It is to be able to maintain a good conversation and to smile. Daniel goleman, in their book ” Intelligence emocional” to mention people who are excellent in the academic tasks and even in their level of intelligence, arrive to be seen like ” geniuses ” , but many are not successful in the daily life. So that sera? . If you are very good academically, perhaps in his espec ialidad, these lines can help him to define their strategy of ” ataque” to the market to be considered ” employable ” or ” competitivo”: The pillars personal marketing has as it bases 05 elements, very similar to marketing of products but with certain variants. 1.

– Market Already defined Who is his victim? Also call I publish objective. It covers the area with the main clients or the potentials. Knowing As they are its deficiencies or needs? That services offer and well them how to them they satisfy? They are you rule that it cannot stop evaluating and mainly to know. Never it supposes, is an evil business of doing it 2. – Product the product is You. The base is the differentiation and the demonstration of benefits that are associated their person. 3.

– Packing Its personal image, perhaps what but personal marketing is known like mundando. it goes beyond They see as it? , it is also As one behaves. The Attitude that exhibits him can abrir or to close doors. 4. – Communication the communication is divided Here in two areas: That to do? , and Like doing it? 4.1. – Promotion: The one that to do? Since she thinks to do so that people cheer up to contract her services? This must be bound to its public and the type of services that rendered. That mass media use with but frequency? , In which they use it to moment? That they wish to see or they see in those means? 4.2. – Publicity Like doing it? It is the means by which you present his kindness, capacities and strengths, To who? Then to his I publish objective. The use of the color, the image, text is part of this concept. 5. – Distribution Is what they call: Display cabinet. Where you would have to be always present, they see so that it and buys. Perhaps it must belong to the professional school of his specialty, for example. And mainly the sin: Where it would have to avoid not to be present. 6. – Price the price just. Difficult but for that reason impossible not to obtain. It is possible to be started off of a study in the market where is his potential client. To study to the competition and to see since aid has defined their strategy of value . In summary: ” YOU ” it is a product. Good, bad, regular. Of average or very poor high quality. The only form of ” to become comprar” , it is being convitiendo in a salesman of same you. It is not difficult, but it is not obtained either overnight. It does not forget ” it loves what does, here the trick is to learn ” Like?