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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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A Touching Story

The scene occurs in a humble neighborhood in a populous city of any Latin American country: a lady returns from their workplaces in the field and sees with horror as the flames consume her home. She cares the most because it is on the verge of losing everything you have meaning in your life and is not...

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UPPER PALATINE Forest – Holiday Between NAAB Valley And Bohemian Forest:

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 30-06-2016

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Thanstein (tvo) discover on foot the upper Palatine forest nature reserve. Cottongrass, sundew, bog Fritillary: the primordial bog forest of the nature protection area Prackendorfer and Kulzer Moss, it’s easy to discover the large and small wonders of nature. You must keep the only eyes and ears open, select the steps carefully and the seventh sense (Regulation) Guide. The mysterious Moor waters between Birch bog forests and Alder forest are home to many endangered species of red list. But also in the post and in the Charlottenhofer pond area, two other protected areas, it is worthwhile to discover the nature park upper Palatine forest on foot.

The Kramer Thanstein, qualified GE(h)Nuss-Gastgeber, offers such discoveries in the framework of a four-day hiking package. It contains among other things a guided hike through Kulzer Moss on the Gold Trail quality trail, as well as a free shuttle service to the stages of hiking on the hiking trail Neunburg Oberviechtach Rotz. In addition each guest Gets a hiking package with hiking map as well as daily a packed lunch from the breakfast buffet and drinks on hand. For the alternative tour with the bike, the House for a day is a free rental bike. Coffee time in the courtyard of the Huckster is returning, homemade cakes is served. The table is abundant also in the evening and once, meet hikers covered is a snack with upper Palatine specialities on the menu. The arrangement on foot discover the upper Palatine forest”with three nights in a comfort room can be booked at the price of 110 euros per person at the: GE(h)Nuss-Gastgeber Karen Court, Neunburger Strasse 1, 92554, Kulz / Thanstein, Tel. 09676/325,,.

Photo Of Villa

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 19-06-2016



With one of the 5050 lots to 99 euros the chance at a villa in South Africa South Africa / Wellington, April 23 2009 Wellington is a historic town in the municipality of Drakenstein, municipality in the province of Western Cape in South Africa. The Western Cape is bordered by both the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Villa of “Valley View”, which will be raffled, was built at the winery “Diemersfontein” 550 m. It is in mint condition (brand new), offers space for 8 persons (4 bedrooms with private bath/WC) and is fully furnished. The entire household – of the dishwasher about pots up to the TV – is available. Wine lovers come here as well on the cost as sports enthusiasts.

Tracking, horseback riding, Nordic walking and of course Golf. In 15 minutes you can reach 3 golf courses. Shopping Center, doctors, hospitals and shops are a 10 minute drive away. Total 5050 tickets for 99 euros will be applied. Mr Peter de Pagter, owner of raffling of the Villa has the Austrian lawyer wife Dr. Kohl-Rupp entrusted the implementation and fiduciary management of the lottery. All EU citizens are eligible for 18 years. Still a flight for 2 persons there and return to Cape Town and a week full Board in a 4-star B & B is located next to the Villa the winner or the winner.

All transfer formalities need to be done this week. All costs are taken over by Mr de Pagter. No cost for the winner. If the draw takes place before November 30, 2009, expect the winner is still 2 tickets for a game of favorite teams at the World Cup of 2010 condition for this is that the game takes place in the period from 12 June to 25 June. You will find all further information and image galleries of the Villa and the surrounding area on the website Claudia Holbling