True tarot is symbolism, not speak another language or provides other signs. The sentence of Arthur Edward White, creator of the famous Rider tarot, gives us a clue about the importance of understanding the symbols that appear in each of the tarot cards. Each image that illustrates Tarot cards contains a multitude of small details. And these details have strong symbolic load and bring new elements that enrich the message of arcana.Water, for example, provides important clues. Does not equal to a figure appear with their feet on the ground than on the water or on the shore of a river or Lake, or water courses are mix or separate. Water, symbol of purification, the constant evolution of life and fecundity of nature gives the tarot cards containing the the Mission of proclaiming sweetness, love, prosperity, fertility and riches. Except that, in an inverted position, spilling, as happens in the star (letter XVII). In this case, the waters can announce losses or love disappointments, transforming into metaphor of tears shed by love.The figures of animals have traditionally incarnated symbolic contents in all the great cultures of antiquity.
Within Tarot cards are makers of symbolize still present in human beings instinctive and primitive passions. Los angeles, which announces our resurrection in the judgment (letter XX), or which represents Temperance (letter XIII), are carriers of messages and important announcements. In general, assigned to them in Tarot cards the role of making the calls for a new awakening of consciousness. It is interesting to see inside the cards of tarot, wings, essential attribute of los angeles, they also multiply in other figures. For some, the throne of the Empress (letter III) leads wings in the back. The Devil (letter XV) leads wings on the back, this time no doubt. Perhaps it is a reminder that it’s a fallen angel, and put us on guard against the dangers of wander our way. Perhaps, by contrast, is a reminder that, despite having fallen, still can fly. And finally, the symbolic message of Tarot cards is completed with the interpretation of each scholar. And each consultant, who will receive it as his intelligence, his intuition and feelings dictate.