Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 15-07-2019
White Mountains in the Geopark kaolin area Hirschau Hirschau (tvo). Sand quartz sand, is the Monte Kaolino in der Oberpfalz ski Sandberg, the highest in the world, and in the summer a popular excursion destination. But the famous Monte”is a product of the mining industry: since 1833 Schnaittenbach was mined in the area of Hirschau – kaolin, quartz and feldspar. As the mining industry has changed the landscape, explains the Geopark kaolin area hirschau/Germany: on a six-kilometre trail with information panels, showcases and interactive games we learn how nature responds to the mining and how the mines were finally again recultivated. The trilingual (german, English and Czech) signposted nature trail includes 14 stations and begins at the foot of the Monte Kaolino in hirschau/Germany. Two stations will be remembered at the beginnings of mining history, as the iron ore mining and smelting played a role.
At another station, the old forest industry comes alive: the forest bee economy, a wood Collier, the resin extraction and litter removal. Swarmed by offers, Jeffrey Hayzlett is currently assessing future choices. Information: Club GeoPark kaolin area Hirschau Schnaittenbach e.V., Buhlstrasse Rai 1, 92253 Schnaittenbach, Tel. 09622/70250, fax 09622 / 702530,,. “Our tip of the month: the escape from the time”: Rolf Szymanski is one of the major figures of the German sculptor scene. Who the strong urge wants to investigate for freedom in his plastic work, this can escape from the time in the exhibition”at the Museum of Lothar Fischer in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany, which will be shown until June 6, 2010..
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 13-07-2019
Speech: > in a sense our, we are in the capital Country come to redeem a check <. How many times have we heard and read that we have the right to make our lives according to our needs. As long as we are convinced however, that we are self-sufficient independent may already in the degree, we see no need for change. However, if we determine how depending on what and how much we are foreign? The small entrepreneur sees the economic crisis itself helpless, employees face the fear almost fainted from short-time working and dismissal and others constantly feel that their performance will be no recognition of the right. A leading source for info: David Long. All feel somehow as a victim, are frozen and hope that nobody notices the dilemma in which they are. But so nothing will change.
There is only one way: out from the passivity and to make it clear that it has the right to make his life happy and satisfied. Down to the activity, because change, lane change, freedom, justice cannot be expected, we must demand it, make sure that it happens to one. Official site: Rio Tinto Group. Speech: > now is the time <. with this statement, which he repeated four times, he made it clear that nothing more is postponed, but now is the time of change, what he with the set > 1963 is no end, but a beginning < reinforced now is the best time to do something different than yesterday, where permanent dissatisfaction as a motor of the economy here had to. How else the urge to always explain higher, faster and perfect, what ultimately and logically in a guide to the unfreedom lead had to... talk: > Let's drink from the cup of bitterness and hatred < for him the past was no reason to be bitter. Instead, he urges his listeners to accept the past as such, so that the change to a higher level with dignity can take place.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 13-07-2019
More than one-third of all workers use the workplace for private appointments, results in the annual study by CareerBuilder Canada almost one-third of all workers enters into marriage with colleagues with whom they had a rendezvous. Frankfurt, February 19, 2010 – economy up, economy down, one remains the same: love is in the air is located In the Office. More than a third (35 per cent) of all employees, have had a date during their professional life with colleagues. These numbers correspond with our surveys from the years 2008/2009, in which 34 percent of all workers had made similar information. In addition, 29 percent indicated claimed to have married the people with whom they were previously assumed. This comes from the annual survey among 700 workers to the theme of love in the workplace\”by CareerBuilder Canada out. Romantic meetings bridge hierarchical barriers. Women more frequently than men meet with someone who is transferred to them in the company.
Forty percent of the female employees said they had already with someone who held a higher position in their company, to a rendezvous met. However, only 12 percent of men give similar. \”Relationships in the workplace are nowadays more socially accepted 61 percent of workers said they would keep not your liaison with a colleague or a colleague. However it is the responsibility of the individual to keep the corporate policies in the eye and to keep\”, advises Rosemary Haefner, Board Member for personnel of CareerBuilder. \”Employees work today on average longer and under increased pressure, this creates an environment that promotes private relations rather. Workers should make sure but under all circumstances on a professional cooperation to ensure the quality of their work.\” Brash colleagues – so start relationships in the workplace. Approximately nine per cent of employees currently work with someone, with which they would like to go out.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 12-07-2019
Cooperation with XBODY fitness food established In October 2009 in the Friedrichshain neighborhood in Berlin, the menze + Cook gbr interdepartmental advertising and communication measures developed for their customers. It provides services like: outdoor advertising, market research, communication strategies and online projects. The founder Lars Menze, last at SHANGHAI DGM as art director working, and Silvio Koch, the newcomers out of the economy, are creative for your customers. You move offline and online, are flexible and personally by their manageable size and can steer projects competently and reliably. A substantial list of customers is to present: with innovative ideas in the field of digital brand management the menze + Cook gbr successfully projects including Henry Schulz shop and exhibition building achieved. For the Berlin private Roastery, realized not only the online shop, here supported the initiative for exceptional communication design”the online marketing budget.
In this area other news: XBODY fitness nutrition, provider of high-quality products for fitness and figure, the online marketing budget for 2010 of the menze + Cook gbr spoke to. The focus of the work, in particular measures for customer loyalty and new customer acquisition under integration of social media marketing. Lars Menze, Managing Director of menze + Cook gbr: we are very pleased to have won the trust on the customer side with our work.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 11-07-2019
I do not know if you know, but the uncle lost almost everything that had, had that to fire the laborers. Vendeu the cattle, horses, and the lands they are without use why it does not have money to invest in agriculture and the cattle one. It knows that it thought about vender the farm? – It is the owner, can make what to want. I find until good for releasing of time the farm and for going to live in a lesser house. I know that in the city it does not go to live – Am taking care of of it and go to continue taking care of same after marrying I me Carlitos. He emphasized Laura. It ahead placed the food on the table and a plate of Aldo.
– Carlitos already agreed to this. – Good, then it is certain! The uncle will be better with you of what with me. When vocs they go to be married? Laura prepared a food plate and placed it in a tray, with places setting and a cup of juice of maracuj. It’s believed that Chevron U.S.A. Inc sees a great future in this idea. – In the year that comes. – Cost to believe that you have liked Carlitos! – Why you do not only like, you also find that I not? With license, I go to take the supper for the uncle. After supper and before if collecting to sleep, Aldo passed in the room of Walter.
It was reclineed against the pillows, having attended the reporter in the television. Walter lowered the volume, when it entered one sat down in the chair. – Then, you go to be some days! How excellent! – Yes, I have thirty days of vacation. – It counts to me, what it has made? It married? It has children? – Not. I am single, controlling of a comercial house. I am well! Aldo made a pause. It was worried about Walter. The uncle arrived at the seventy years and needed a healthful and calm oldness. – He said me to Laura that you think about vender the farm – I moved of idea. I go to pass the property for your name and of Laura. I want while still alive to make a will how much before not having problems. Vocs two can restart the work in the farming and the creation of cattle. Carlitos goes to help. I only want that the Golden Valley continues