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Solar Cycle

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 21-12-2019



The Heating of the Land and the Phases of Cooling Result of the Solar Cycle of 1.470 years of Jack Phillips17 of September of 2007traduzido by lythe ribeiro a fact very little known that in 1996 three scientists, Willi Dansgaard of the Denmark, Hans Oeschger of Switzerland and Claude Lorius of France, &#039 had gained the Tyler prize -; ' equivalent to Nobel in science ambiental' ' -, they had discovered a period of 1500+/-500 years of temperature in the cycle of the climate of the Land that, more recently, has been on the changes in the solar radiation. The evidence of this cycle was found in the ice nuclei in the ice layer of Greenland and confirmed by found similar evidence in the ice nuclei of the ice layer of Antarctica. The ice nuclei indicate that a nominal cycle of 1470 years has dominated the climate of the Land lasting last the 11,000 years, since the last Age of the Ice. Information of other sources sample that the cycle has influenced the temperatures of the Land for the least 900,000 years. It does not have doubt of that this cycle exists, but its connection with the variations of the solar activity can not be proven until comments for satellites of the Sun if become possible. Sight of the Land, the small variations in the Sun are overcast for the atmospheric effect. In November of 2001, George Bond et al., of the Astroroof of the Lamont-Doherty Land of the University of Columbia, had told in Science that given of satellite they showed that the climate of the Land and the solar activity have been on per 32.000 years. Holier Braun determined for studies in computer that two good known cycles solar, of 87 and 210 years of duration, had generated a cycle of 1.470 years, for the studies of the computer.