DEVELOPMENT does not have as to refute the presence of Cames in the Portuguese iderio, fundindo itself as inexpurgvel element of the culture of this people. The workmanship of the poet ea its biography, as well as the mythology involves that them, had more transformed it into umados bigger and known symbols of Portugal it places what it, many vezesao long of history, in the paradigm condition. when if to read Saramago we perceive a human Cames that fights to paraconseguir to publish a workmanship, and Saramago uses of umTeatro at the same time politician and existencial, of ideas and emotions, showing that the dramaturgia of Jose Saramago, moldadaem sharp dialogues and musical rhythm, confirms its maestria in the creation revealing desituaes of the ethical and social contradictions. What I will make with estelivro? It counts the history of the moment that Luis of Cames returns from the indians temque to negotiate with obtusa Inquisition and the mediocre cut of Lisbon permissopara to publish the workmanship biggest of the Portuguese language. The theater part ' ' That I will make with this book? ' ' , far from sample a Camesendeusado, Saramago construct to a Cames drifter and it places it in plan dedestaque in the part, approaching and fundindo it the reader.
Its last one is not unprovided deinteno speaks: ' ' What I will make with this book? (…) That you will make you ate book? ' ' (P. 92). In this syntactic parallelism, they establish personage the same voter in quandary, of that she forms must be read verses of ' ' The Lusiadas' ' e, still more far, which Saramago reading considers for ' ' The Lusadas' ' for asua part? The victims of the system, or saramaguianos heroes in the part, indicate cadaqual to a reading option. Ana de S, mother of the poet, hears in verses of filhoa voice of the Portuguese people, questioning the ambitions of D.