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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Didactic Possibility

State University of Gois Notamos the film ‘ ‘ Morango and Chocolate’ ‘ , the pure expression of a country that suffered great shocks and changes that influenced in its economy, politics and in the society. A confrontation between Communist, socialist republicanismo and. The social...

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Dornier Consulting

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 02-05-2017

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New head of energy / E-mobility Andreas Ertel is now new head of energy/E-mobility of Dornier Consulting GmbH in Berlin. He assumes this position ad interim by Christian Guhl, who left the company in mutual agreement with the Board of management. “We are pleased, that we could win an experienced consultant for this challenging position with Mr. Ertel,” so Dr. Jurgen Koffler, CEO of Dornier Consulting. Andreas Ertel knows the issues around the turn of the energy; He is consultant in the field of energy and electric mobility for almost 10 years. Since early 2013 he is Chief Consultant in challenging energy projects for the Dornier Consulting.

About Dornier Consulting GmbH with our three hundred employees, we advise in projects of national importance and high public interest in the metropolitan area & mobility solutions. The volume of project supervised by us is EUR 20 billion. Our main customers include World Bank, KfW, EU, Governments, authorities, airport corporate properties, Infrastructure operators, automotive and aerospace industry and energy suppliers. We assist our clients from concept to implementation. With technological expertise and extensive knowledge of the industry, we lead our client’s projects to sustainable success. The business areas include the areas Telematics System integration Mobility/traffic & transport Water & environment Energy / E-mobility and Infrastructure & buildings

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