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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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The pupils of the courses of acceleration of 5 to 8 series of basic education learn much more of what the traditional contents of classroom. A partnership firmed for the secretariats of education of the city and the State of the Acre, with the School of Environment of the city of Rio Branco allows that...

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Gregor Mendel

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 01-12-2017



The experiments of monge Austrian, Gregor Mendel, had given beginning to called science genetic, between them can be cited the results gotten with the experiences with peas of different colors, generating knowledge that make possible the development of the biotechnology, the middle of century XIX (Damascene, 2007). Some studies that had given beginning to the genetic improvement In 1953 Watson and Crick, two scientists of the university of Cambrigde, in England, had described the helical structure of the DNA? basic of any alive being, carrying molecule of the genetic information. At the beginning of years 70, the first transference of genes between different species occurred. The scientific community established rules of biossegurana for the research and the development of products with genetic modifications (CIB, 2009). An important fact so that the biotechnology in fact adentrasse to the market was in 1980, where the supreme Cut American North, granted the first patent one to be alive, an ancestry of bacteria capable to digest oil in accidents (MILK, 2000). Two years later, according to CIB (2009), in 1982 was developed the insulina for biotechnology, produced for modified bacteria. In 1983, U.S.A. allowed the pioneering international release of a OGM in the environment.

Syringae is about an ancestry of bacteria of the Pseudomonas species, genetically modified to hinder the ice crystal formation in the surface them plants, for agricultural regions citizens the frosts. Developed in the University of California, for the team of Steven Lindow (MILK, 2000). In 1993, the United States launched the first culture developed for the biotechnology: a long tomatoe life, called FlavSavr tomatoe, produced for the Calgene company. In the years of 1996 the first commercial plantation of the soy genetically modified occurred, in the United States. In 1997, the first plantation of the soy genetically modified in Argentina. No longer year of 1998, the CTNBio11 received the first order from release of the Monsanto company for the commerce of soy OGM Roundup Ready, resistant to the herbicida Roundup12, manufactured for the same company.

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