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Livermore Valley

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 04-06-2013

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Chapter 3 the nineteenth and the beginning of the 20th century at the end of the 19th century, the Concannon family, pioneer of viticulture in California (Livermore Valley) persuadio to the Mexican Government to take advantage of the wine-growing potential of the country and introduced some dozens of French varieties in Mexico. In the year of 1895, the Mexican Government is worried extend the planting of the vines, but this effort could not be continued by the social changes in the country. In 1904 James Concannon abandon Mexico but six years later another Californian vinifiers Perelli Minetti planto another range of strains in hundreds of acres near Torreon. By 1900 much of Mexican vineyards was destroyed by phylloxera and political problems disrupted the country during many years after the Revolution of 1910. Mexican wines began to produce seriously until 1920, but not achievement that they would have good quality by many factors: lacked knowledge of viniculture, defective equipment was used and there was no proper selection of varieties. The result was oxidized yellowish white, red wines: it lacked or there was enough sweetness or acidity.

Chapter 4 after the second world war in 1948 was established the National Association of winemakers, who initially joined fifteen companies. Fourteen companies were incorporated in the period between 1950 and 1954. The overall situation has changed considerably from the 1970s, so the vine cultivation has increased. The introduction of varieties of grapes, vinification cellars installation by integrating advances in science enologica more modern, the improvement of the standard of living of the middle class, commercial and educational efforts of the big brands, have allowed to place on the market products of quality, giving rise in the public interest towards a new habit of wine consumption. Production already triplico between 1970 and 1980. This unprecedented growth, assumes that they are multiplied by six every ten years, i.e., practically by two every three years, the surface of cultivated vines, the capacity of the facilities of wine-making, conservation, bottling, the efforts of marketing and distribution and therefore human and financial investments.

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