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That decision bears relation to the needs from the markets of work of the countries of origin of the students. Certain .que this reality of emigration in search of academic preparation in foreign countries, must be reason for interest of study on the part of the State, of the ones in charge of the education,...

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Meteorological Equator

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 01-10-2019



This area also is called Meteorological Equator. TROPICAL OR TEPID MASSES In accordance with Coutinho (1991), are air masses that the temperature is a half term between equatorial hot air and polar cold air for being formed next to the tropics of Capricrnio and Cncer. Having humidity below of the dew point, determining barren and half-barren climates. They present limpid air and steady because they present negative gradients, that is, the temperature diminishes from top to bottom. This process causes the existence of an inversion layer, or another abnormality, as for example, the mass to be more cold in low hotter on. The tepid masses are divided in: Tepid Kalaariana, Tepid Atlantic and Tepid Pacific.

Tepid Massa Kalaariana (MTK) This mass moves in all the stations of the year in the desert of the Kalaari, in Africa, for the Brazilian northeast coast of south for north. In the winter, it goes until the south of Mato Grosso, causing the dry winter of Central Brazil. According to Coutinho (1991), the Tepid Kalaariana is composed of two layers: a cool and humid inferior, had its oceanic trip, getting rid in the coast provoking relief rains, influenced for Frente Polar Atlntica (FPA). To another superior he is hot and he dries, acting in the interior. Thus, the Kalaariana mass has its stability guaranteed for an inversion layer that remains the entire year. Atlantic Tepid Massa (MTA) is originated in the centers of high pressures of the South Atlantic and presents sea characteristics, beyond being one of the main masses that influence the climatic types of Brazil. It possesss temperature and raised humidity, and by means of chains of north-east east and the tropicalidade of the Brazilian climate is attracted for the ciclonais areas that if form on the continent, bringing much humidity and heat, strengthening. Mendona (2007), affirms this mass acts all during the year in the climates of Brazil, mainly in the littoral portion, that had its relief, provokes rain sufficiently, mainly in the summer.

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