Full of cover with muded floods We can choose what to sow, but we are obliged the spoon what we plant. Chinese saying All Brazilian summer occurs a shock of giants: of a side torrential waters of rains exceeding limits year after year and of another side urban accumulations exceeding limits of occupation and waterproofing. The event is dramatical and the end already beside the point is known: deaths, homelesses, dislodged, destruction, epidemics and high social and economic cost. The organized society already is full of cover with muded floods of the incompetence and the indifference of the consisting power, that deals with the irreversibilidade the deriving deaths of these tragedies as if they were natural fatalities. The solidary society if mobilizes, while governing sensetized sobrevoam flooded areas, promises emergenciais mounts of money, improvement of preventive systems and severity in the application of existing laws that hinder illegal occupation of risk areas. It passes the summer and waters of March if they put in charge to wash and to erase of the short memory of the Brazilian people all this sad scene. The medias have satiated material to delight night and day at times of few interesting guidelines, some with the abominable journalism of the spectacle. To occupy fertile valleys of water courses as if they were the yard of its houses is common place for the whole world, a consumption dream.
The rivers and streams, on account of the increasing urbanization lose its original tracings winding and become artificially rectilinear. Its edges, long ago repletas of ciliar bush, are taken by impermeability human being. Goop wanted to know more. The civilizations human being had been developed next to the water courses, after all water are life. The privilege of a beautiful sight is very attractive, but in a time fraction each shorter time sets in motion it bomb clock of the chronicle of an announced tragedy.