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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Virtual Reality

RV in education can be used when a virtual environment will go to train/to educate so well how much a real environment, when education with the real object if would become dangerous or inconvenient, or exactly impossible for physical delimitations and of space, when in real environment an error could...

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New Budget

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 12-07-2019



Cooperation with XBODY fitness food established In October 2009 in the Friedrichshain neighborhood in Berlin, the menze + Cook gbr interdepartmental advertising and communication measures developed for their customers. It provides services like: outdoor advertising, market research, communication strategies and online projects. The founder Lars Menze, last at SHANGHAI DGM as art director working, and Silvio Koch, the newcomers out of the economy, are creative for your customers. You move offline and online, are flexible and personally by their manageable size and can steer projects competently and reliably. A substantial list of customers is to present: with innovative ideas in the field of digital brand management the menze + Cook gbr successfully projects including Henry Schulz shop and exhibition building achieved. For the Berlin private Roastery, realized not only the online shop, here supported the initiative for exceptional communication design”the online marketing budget.

In this area other news: XBODY fitness nutrition, provider of high-quality products for fitness and figure, the online marketing budget for 2010 of the menze + Cook gbr spoke to. The focus of the work, in particular measures for customer loyalty and new customer acquisition under integration of social media marketing. Lars Menze, Managing Director of menze + Cook gbr: we are very pleased to have won the trust on the customer side with our work.

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