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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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That decision bears relation to the needs from the markets of work of the countries of origin of the students. Certain .que this reality of emigration in search of academic preparation in foreign countries, must be reason for interest of study on the part of the State, of the ones in charge of the education,...

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Social Media In The Enterprise

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 05-04-2016



Successful kick-off event, the \”Social media in the enterprise\” collective intelligence of employees take advantage of special interest group with the idea of establishing a special interest group on the topic of social media in the enterprise has the bwcon together with the know-how! AG as the key initiator and the Fraunhofer Institute for industrial engineering and organization made the ravages of time. Around 80 participants attended the launch event. With the idea of a special interest group \”to set up, has on the topic of social media in the enterprise the bwcon together with the know-how! AG as the key initiator and the Fraunhofer Institute for industrial engineering and organization made the ravages of time. Around 80 participants attended the launch event. Self-organisation and social relationships are the fundamental principles of Web 2.0.

It applies not only to consume content, but even to produce. Social media as a subset of Web 2.0 support in company communication and collaboration \”, as Joachim Gunther, Fraunhofer Institute for industrial engineering and\” Organization (ILO). The use of social media in knowledge management and E-learning increases transparency, improves productivity, and promotes individual responsibility, methods and social competence. Content can be collaboratively working with direct feedback by users. Thus the previous Division of roles between teaching and learning aufgehobe n is\”, says Gunther. Because the user play to each other their knowledge on equal footing. Necessary condition for use in a company is the willingness of the staff to make their knowledge available. That’s why social media not in hierarchical structures work, if there is internal rivalry and fear of loss of control. Living knowledge management is invaluable practice examples of living knowledge management gave Joachim Heinz, senior consultant at T-systems multimedia solutions GmbH. For two years, there is a social intranet with different tools such as wikis and blogs for the 800 employees of the company.

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