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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Selling Apartments Fast

There are times when an urgent need lots of money: Move to another city or another country, an expensive operation, buying a new apartment or villa in a convenient area. Relatives and friends may lend a portion of the amount, the bank can also give credit to the part. And then the question of the urgent...

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Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 14-06-2020



It is the manifestation, the Trindade, the Form, the Absolute one. the three personages in the text of Person represent three minds have access and uneasy in a dark night of uncertainties; joined in body, mind and spirit for a dream, dictated for the second veladora, that will compromise the certainty of the gift. They are three personages who interact for the souvenir of the past and the lucidity of a dream. They are three, but can be four to interact; when the alive presence of the maiden in the coffin sets in doubt; or five, when of the entrance – in dream? of the Marinheiro.TERCEIRA personage? My sisters, are already day She forbids, the line of mounts wonder Why do not cry we? That one that dissimulates to be there was beautiful, and new as we, and also dreamed I am certain that the dream of it was most beautiful of all It of whom he would dream? FIRST? You say low more. It listening us perhaps, and already knows so that they serve the dreams (a pause) … SECOND? She swims. I did not hear nothing It wanted to dissimulate that it heard so that it assumed that you heard and I could believe that I had some thing to hear Oh, that horror, that close horror in them unfastens the voice of the soul, and the sensations of the thoughts, and makes in them to speak and to feel and to think when everything in us asks for to silence and the day and the unconsciousness of the life Who is the fifth person in this room that extends the arm and it interrupts in them whenever we go to feel? (PERSON apud MOISS, 1998, p.78, 80 81) Another important notation in the theater in question of Person is the symbolic use of the hand.

Pacific Being

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 21-10-2018



We did not say in them, we only advanced in our onslaught. To each as that it passed the young woman stoked me more fire that did not obtain containing in my pants. We did not want to lose more time in bl-bl, I thought that I was alone that I did not obtain more to contain itself because of the forces of that so hot wave of tropical waters of the Pacific that I already started to gush out. We advance in the onslaught and finally we arrive in the edge. I gave conscience of what it was to happen after being in another edge to feel that cold glacial.

It wanted to leave my words to fly and I made thus it. If you have read about Mining already – you may have come to the same conclusion. – Ol! – Oi! It answered. – All good? – All good not, all excellent one. By the way, this is one of the excellent nights that already I had in the life. It is truth that with different dimensions, but excellent this did not leave of being. As &#039 says the Mia Couto; ' Each Man is one raa' ' you is a good race.

By the way, you have made this with its namorada one? it does not come today? if by chance to appear and to find I you here empoleirada are not gone to chatear? I have much fear of fight. In the life never I fought. Never I fought. I am a young woman of the good. – You know! I do not know for where starting, because you asked very and even so I have will to answer you. I leave to its criterion of analysis. I also not taste very of saying of me when it will be to the side of a woman, by the way, great woman as you. In the life never I imagined myself being to the side of a woman as you.

Aspen Valley

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 25-04-2016

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The fantastic ideas of a fourteen-year old, a fantasy novel by a 14 year old? Of course, that works if you’re – linguistically gifted as Alexander Vaassen -, is equipped with a certain perseverance and strong will. Already in the 1st class, Alexander wrote little stories together with his Grandpa. He began at the age of 12, writing the first novel. 2008, he flew to Mallorca with his grandparents, his baggage consisted mostly of much empty paper. And at the end of the holiday, he finished proud 150 pages. At home he typed it in the PC, rejected much and rewrote it; inspired by the school, the fellow, his animals and his hobbies such as drama, horseback riding, and trombone.

Now he hopes that his first work will give many people reading pleasure. Interview by Tino Hemmann Publisher with the open-minded young author (14) Alexander Vaassen: T.H..: what were the reasons that you started with writing? Can I dutzen you yet? A.V..: of course, like I thought it was just incredibly exciting to write stories. The was already in elementary school. It is really great to create its own worlds where things happen, sometimes even surprise you by words. T.H..: when exactly did you decided to write a book first? A.V..: Oh, that I think was in the sixth grade.

It was still a pretty confusing collection of ideas that have focused on my favorite television shows and books. In the summer of 2008, I had a completely different idea in the holiday from now on equal and I was so glad that I have filled several blocks to her. I am writing mainly to let off a little steam. And if all that accumulates over the day, wants to get out, is fantasy the best valve. T.H..: the most recent authors writing mostly love stories. Did you pick the genre fantasy.

CAMES Saramago

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 06-01-2014



DEVELOPMENT does not have as to refute the presence of Cames in the Portuguese iderio, fundindo itself as inexpurgvel element of the culture of this people. The workmanship of the poet ea its biography, as well as the mythology involves that them, had more transformed it into umados bigger and known symbols of Portugal it places what it, many vezesao long of history, in the paradigm condition. when if to read Saramago we perceive a human Cames that fights to paraconseguir to publish a workmanship, and Saramago uses of umTeatro at the same time politician and existencial, of ideas and emotions, showing that the dramaturgia of Jose Saramago, moldadaem sharp dialogues and musical rhythm, confirms its maestria in the creation revealing desituaes of the ethical and social contradictions. What I will make with estelivro? It counts the history of the moment that Luis of Cames returns from the indians temque to negotiate with obtusa Inquisition and the mediocre cut of Lisbon permissopara to publish the workmanship biggest of the Portuguese language. The theater part ' ' That I will make with this book? ' ' , far from sample a Camesendeusado, Saramago construct to a Cames drifter and it places it in plan dedestaque in the part, approaching and fundindo it the reader.

Its last one is not unprovided deinteno speaks: ' ' What I will make with this book? (…) That you will make you ate book? ' ' (P. 92). In this syntactic parallelism, they establish personage the same voter in quandary, of that she forms must be read verses of ' ' The Lusiadas' ' e, still more far, which Saramago reading considers for ' ' The Lusadas' ' for asua part? The victims of the system, or saramaguianos heroes in the part, indicate cadaqual to a reading option. Ana de S, mother of the poet, hears in verses of filhoa voice of the Portuguese people, questioning the ambitions of D.