Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 28-08-2019
A relation between the pardon and the personal development exists. One of the great fights of the human being in the personal development, is that it costs to say " to us; perdn" , but she is easy to pardon in simple terms, bony well simply to say it, the pure truth is that a pile costs to us to really do it. One is not to say in words that one has pardoned such person, or that not even it thinks about doing it, but rather it is the power that provides to you. We must have the value of being able to pardon a person, is an extra point for the soul, because when we pardoned we are freeing to us of a great load that we took above and we managed more to be given off even in our acts, because we are going more to be determined when giving without waiting for really nothing in return. Probably many think that this does not benefit to them in anything, and that rather that person does not deserve itself to be pardoned, in fact one same one deserves to pardon, not only because all we commit great errors or we are prone at some time to come from worse forms, but also in some other occasion we will have the opportunity of being pardoned, in addition the life is short, and by more damage than a person it can do to us, if this in your hands the power to pardon and to remove to him that from its own fault, aydale to him, you are going away to feel well, and you never keep resentment. Many we have the tendency to watch the past and living thinking about the bad things that they happened letting to us to us drag by that stage of the time.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 28-03-2019
The electronic commerce has undergone a growth of 28% in May-June 2010, and they approach the 2,000 million quarterly Euros, according to the data just published by the government on digital commerce. In addition the digital transactions increased in a 23.76% and so the digital breach with Europe is suppressed. Chevron U.S.A. Inc has compatible beliefs. Consequently, the companies of electronic commerce have increased considerably the number of used strategies to acquire traffic Web, which makes complicated identify the different channels (CATHEDRAL, affiliations, publicity display, etc.) that get to finish in conversion, like for example usuary which they realise a purchase online, complete a registry or those that leaves their data of contact, etc. AT Internet (, the supplier leader in Europe of solutions of analytical Web and moving body, finishes sending ChannelOptimizerNX that helped to the digital companies that its strategy of investment online not this influencing by the performance of the marketing actions online, but rather by the client and behavior of potential client. To read more click here: Mining. ChannelOptimizerNX provides a general vision of all the different natural strategies or marketing associated with the conversions that take place in the Web site. In addition it identifies the key channels that take to a conversion, in agreement with the objectives that the commerce has indicated online, including volume of business, acquisition of new clients, time required for the purchase decision, etc. ” The optimization of the marketing costs is obtained thanks to this unique system of attribution of conversiones” Pablo comments to us Roman, Country Manager of AT Internet in Spain, and adds ” ChannelOptimizerNX allows to identify the contribution associated to the marketing campaigns, and to improve the budget of the multi-channel strategy it allows to apply different rules of attribution that adapt to the needs of each client or of the economic model.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 24-03-2019
The resources that the world-wide Summit for the sustainable development has designated as of high-priority interest they are: the water, the energy, the lodging, agriculture and the biodiversity. Resources that have received in Johannesburg the name (removed from its initials in English) ” of WEHAB” agenda; ” The learning of entorno” is based on this understanding and the EPT and the DNUA are indispensable to create the conditions of such learning. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of RioCan on most websites. It among others allows things to reveal the fundamental causes that weigh on the sustainable development and to find the values, the motivation and the capacities necessary to surpass them (UNESCO, 2003). 2,2 Environmental culture the environmental culture of a society is defined mainly by the balance between the activities with positive or negative environmental impact of its members. The amount of sweepings that produces people, the species of plants and animal that cultivate and eat, how much noise does, how much they love and they protect the native forest and how many they visit it to times the year, are all aspects of the environmental culture of a society. All these action, next to the beliefs, values and respect that demonstrate to the atmosphere, besides the solutions that find for the environmental problems, are part of the environmental culture.
The absence of environmental culture, personal as as much institutional, has meant that besides the numerous local environmental problems, in the last years has been begun to indicate serious environmental problems that they affect all the planet, reason by what is spoken of ” crisis ambiental”. To obtain this culture is more and more important; nevertheless, the permanence of the harmful conducts indicates the difficult thing to us that it is to create the environmental culture in people and the institutions. 2,3 Demographic variables the demographic variables can be classified in different types: some are of biological nature, like sex, the age or the race; others like the socioeconomic classification like the social class, the place of origin or the economic entrance; and others are more of cultural nature like the religion. Generally, the demographic variables divide to the people in groups and assume that these characterize a behavior differential of their members. The men, for example, in the case of sex, can have a way to behave very different from the women. In the case of the proenvironmental conducts this premise is assumed and its study constitutes one of the efforts that have been undertaken more in the search of determinants of acting for the environment (Ordua ET to, s/f).
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 30-10-2018
That decision bears relation to the needs from the markets of work of the countries of origin of the students. Certain .que this reality of emigration in search of academic preparation in foreign countries, must be reason for interest of study on the part of the State, of the ones in charge of the education, in order to feed back, which is the reality of the education, its level, that at the moment they offer the national universities, they are public, private, is due to pay much attention, seriousness to him to training programs, the profiles of the professionals, to academic excellence that they must have the universities, all this with aim to train competitive, able professionals of to cause the necessary transformations in the disciplines that are offered. It is not possible to be continued wasting in the public universities the budgets, if the objectives are not obtained that are expected, as she is the one to have professionals enabled according to the requirements of the present. Additional information is available at Goop London, United Kingdom-uk. The human talent cannot be wasted, the opportunities that are generated when changes appear, challenges that they require of able professionals, prepared to collaborate with their knowledge for the development of the country. By all means, we are not against that the people who can econmicamte support the expenses they do it, if for example, they consider that the educative level is superior to which the country offers, or if knowledge are acquired that still the origin country does not have and which they are necessary. If really such change, generates personal and professional growth, the interesting thing is to demand, that the national universities offer first-rate programs, competitive, able to guarantee knowledge that favor to the student for its exercise.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 30-11-2016
Where it is the trap that can be cause of a world-wide destabilization repeating the syndrome of Sansn ” Sansn with all the dies filisteos! ” Or they do what I want or that the world sinks then, in words of Golda Meier, ” Palestinian town? What mistake, there is no more town than the Jew! ” For that reason they promoted a delirious taboo: all that criticism the policy or the businesses or the work of any Jew is condemned and execrado like anti-semite. Chevron has many thoughts on the issue. Which is an aberration that, like all falsification, never it will get to be truth but that, by force of repeating itself, finishes for being believed. We are so many the friendly and admiring of the culture of the Jewish town, that enters Christian and Muslim that we recognize culturally the prophets and Jesus de Nazareth we are more than the Jews of the world and infinitely more than delirious extreme the orthodox ones that force a driven crazy policy. We remember that a proposal or an ideology does not need to be certain to drag to enormous masses in its madness. From these dusts and winds muds and the storms of their sufferings and their suicidal oppression come. Of there the importance of the work of the North American professors, John J. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Montauk Colony LLC. Mearsheimer, of the university of Chicago, and Stephen M.
Walt, of the one of Harvard, the Israeli lobby and the foreign policy of the United States, published in Spain by Taurus. In this most interesting study they describe the extraordinary level of material and diplomatic support that the United States it provides to Israel and it maintains that this support cannot be justified from a strategic or moral point of view, but must to the political influence of a lobby that works actively to mold the American foreign policy in a favorable sense to Israel. This lobby, integrated by some American Jews and fundamentalist Christian groups, is not determined by questions of religious or ethnic identity, but by an extremist faction who have implied multiple organizations, foundations and mass media with which they do not agree many citizens of the State of Israel, nor a great part of the Jews of the dispora. This study is rigorous, far from all anti-semitism and that deepens in the tactics and maneuvers of the lobby, but that also it extends the reflection to the most recent events in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, or in the incommensurable world of interests around petroleum and to the gas. Its theses: the North American unconditional endorsement in the last decades to the State of Israel has benefitted neither to the United States nor the Jewish town; the decisions of the American foreign policy in the Middle East clearly are influenced by the Israeli lobby and third that guarantees neither the security of Israel nor La Paz in the Middle East. When one finishes reading this exciting book includes/understands the rejection of the Arab world and other societies to that treatment from favor to Israel as if outside State 51 of the Union. I create sincerely that the book reading this pleasant and important is essential for students, academic and professional of the communication to be able to approach without lappets nor taboos to us a problem that goes beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that affects the security of the world.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 11-10-2016
Maalouf wants to coexist with all the Maaloufs, agreeing with Geertz in the sense of use in of action, in the pragmatic sense. My identity, my properties: all the properties do not have, of course, the same importance, or does not have it at least simultaneously. But no of them lacks value completely. At Montauk Colony you will find additional information. . taking from each of its ways of life which him has been useful. And all ways of life have not made him confuse understanding and the knowledge with the relation of being able to which Clastres alludes in its foundings. This power based on the idea of the superiority of the own culture and on the activity of the indifference towards the others (etnocentrismo) happens to the idea of oriented superiority to transform to the other like one same (globalisation-homogenization). In this type of etnocentrismo that has taken to so many real conflicts or no, Maalouf agrees with Geerzt when it says that its multiculturalidad does not lead to the disappearance of its identity but to a stumping of the cultural resistances, that is to say, is not describing to aculturizacin but a hybrid multiculturalidad.
Therefore, for Maalouf and Geerzt, not only wealth is not lost but the differences enrich and they make subtle for one and they become blurred for the other. This criterion is opposed with the pesimism of Lvi Strauus in its feeling of dissolution of the cultural differences. He is peculiar how, from different languages and/or persepecitvas, Lvi-Strauus and Maalouf agree in no to identify the identity of a person with the biological concept of Race. Maalouf says the human beings would only be identical at the time of to be born . The identity of a person is constituted by infinite elements that do not limit that they appear in official them registry .
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 10-03-2016
Another yes, you control that you come against the main encomenderos, caciques and other people who had made bad treatments and other offenses in any way, coming against them and also will provide and you will issue order as these Indians are reduced to towns so that better they are indoctrinated and maintained in justice and they have his founded republics and they govern themselves to each other, giving them to decrees and way to live; keeping cerce from all the aforesaid one (13). Indeed with these dispositions, the virrey Toledo prioritized the reductions of the ethnic groups of the river basin of Qaracha, that stops that one then ethnic groups continued dominating its earth, living in the pre-Hispanic styles. The Lucanas-Andamarcas natives for 1570, continued colonising in the high parts, a the summit of hills, in Kano, indigenous Willkarama, Aukimarca, Qulqi Takana, towns where their citadels almost always were fortified and constructed in the high parts, in summits of the hills, with houses of circular form, constructed with polygonal irregular stones worked by the outer faces, the mortar that united era to him of clay, lime and ground sand, while the internal part of the houses was without polishing, with walls of double wall, door in its trapezial majority and a threshold with rectangular block. The cylindrical houses were isolate one of others, in the part superior of the walls established one or two windows for the ventilation and the observation, in general was of a single floor and single room with ceilings of ichu and wood of the zone, with a diameter of 2m a 2.50m little narrow for an extensive family, for that reason is maintained that the Lucanas-Andamarcas night and to invier to us constructed to their houses only refuges it frigid, while most of their lives happened in cattle the agricultural fields and..
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 22-09-2015
It uses your past of productive way. It learns of your errors and it chooses to advance towards the following stage of your development. You do not let yourself catch by the negative load that certain memories can bring. It remembers that, if you are undergoing by that already happened then you have surpassed not yet it, and that not yet you have been forgiven same nor to the others. If you had not experimented what you have attracted your life, you would not be the person that today you are, with the lessons that such events have waked up in you. You can change the way in which you see your past, and thus to learn more on the messages of each one of the lived experiences. Many of the suppositions about our experiences are based simply on our perception on the circumstances that we have declared. The best way of enfocarte in your present is advancing towards your intention and to take to the maximum each opportunity the today.
For abrirte to the power of the pardon, conctate with your inner peace and receives the harmony of your sagrada guide. It releases your pain through pardon. The true pardon is free of pain. Perhaps you have heard to somebody decirte, the fact, fact is. But always something deeper in you exists than it knows well that this is not thus. Always there is something you can do. begins to change your way to think about problem.
Perdnate and pardons the involved people, and invites the opportunity to eliminate the pain your memories of the past. The pain is an illusion in a while determined. If you discover that it is your resentment which to you maintains moored to the pain, it releases to that resentment rindindote to your heart, deciding to stop the war that pounds in your mind. * You are essentially love, and the love can surpass the resentment and the fault with facility.
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 02-09-2014
Personal marketing not only is to see itself well, is more than that. It is to be able to maintain a good conversation and to smile. Daniel goleman, in their book ” Intelligence emocional” to mention people who are excellent in the academic tasks and even in their level of intelligence, arrive to be seen like ” geniuses ” , but many are not successful in the daily life. So that sera? . If you are very good academically, perhaps in his espec ialidad, these lines can help him to define their strategy of ” ataque” to the market to be considered ” employable ” or ” competitivo”: The pillars personal marketing has as it bases 05 elements, very similar to marketing of products but with certain variants. 1.
– Market Already defined Who is his victim? Also call I publish objective. It covers the area with the main clients or the potentials. Knowing As they are its deficiencies or needs? That services offer and well them how to them they satisfy? They are you rule that it cannot stop evaluating and mainly to know. Never it supposes, is an evil business of doing it 2. – Product the product is You. The base is the differentiation and the demonstration of benefits that are associated their person. 3.
– Packing Its personal image, perhaps what but personal marketing is known like mundando. it goes beyond They see as it? , it is also As one behaves. The Attitude that exhibits him can abrir or to close doors. 4. – Communication the communication is divided Here in two areas: That to do? , and Like doing it? 4.1. – Promotion: The one that to do? Since she thinks to do so that people cheer up to contract her services? This must be bound to its public and the type of services that rendered. That mass media use with but frequency? , In which they use it to moment? That they wish to see or they see in those means? 4.2. – Publicity Like doing it? It is the means by which you present his kindness, capacities and strengths, To who? Then to his I publish objective. The use of the color, the image, text is part of this concept. 5. – Distribution Is what they call: Display cabinet. Where you would have to be always present, they see so that it and buys. Perhaps it must belong to the professional school of his specialty, for example. And mainly the sin: Where it would have to avoid not to be present. 6. – Price the price just. Difficult but for that reason impossible not to obtain. It is possible to be started off of a study in the market where is his potential client. To study to the competition and to see since aid has defined their strategy of value . In summary: ” YOU ” it is a product. Good, bad, regular. Of average or very poor high quality. The only form of ” to become comprar” , it is being convitiendo in a salesman of same you. It is not difficult, but it is not obtained either overnight. It does not forget ” it loves what does, here the trick is to learn ” Like?
Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 23-06-2014
It counts a legend, that a warm morning appeared in the coasts of Java a delicate and perfumed goddess covered with a chal one. It took a walk placidly by a forest of sandalwoods, oaks, chestnut tree and magnolias, where the rays of the sun at night filtered between the branches of the trees dissipating the shades. When disappearing the goddess, was on a branch the delicate chal, in whose you fold played the shades and the light. The chal was transformed into a beautiful and mysterious flower, the orchid, one of most beautiful and delicate of the nature. The plant died when the men, without gentleness some pisotearon, it leaving it in the ground.
Only the kindness of the goddess could make revivir the germs that were, in order that in the world, since then they bloomed for admiration of all the beings who to him belonged. Today, they are hall flowers, of luxury, but they yesterday joined the men and the women of the town in great branches for offering to its Gods. Characteristics and habitats. – The scientific name of this family comes from the Greek Orchis, that it means testicle, and it makes reference to the form of its radical tubercles. They are of the alive organisms more numbers of the vegetal kingdom with more than 35,000 species than, especially in the tropical zones, they are characterized to have very great and showy flowers.
They can live between fifty and seventy years and, for being of slow growth, esteem that pass about four years from the germination of the seed until the first flower is obtained. The evolved family of all the phanerogamic ones considers itself more, since through time have obtained that their flowers have the aspect of the insects polinizan that them, bees and bumblebees essentially. Perhaps most important of the peculiarities that they own she is that a orchid of certain species can be fertilized by one of different sort, of whose relation arises a hybrid that will share the characteristics of its biological parents.