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Since Silicon Valley, has, in recent years, become a very social place, boasting a variety of events, this organization was established to ensure that one’s message is expressed accurately and impressively.  It was discovered by the creators of this website, that there is a limited attention span...

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Juancho Narvaez

One day we sat in the light of the fire with a glass of wine and let pass the time talking about hunting. Today we interviewed Juancho Narvaez and Muguiro, Marques de Benavites, and representative of the hunting tradition Spanish hunting organization. 1. Your great fondness for hunting, is where from?...

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Thermal Comfort

Posted by Pat | Posted in News | Posted on 22-03-2014



Amongst the factors of the environment, the thermal ones are the ones that affect the bird more directly, therefore compromise its more important vital function, that is the maintenance of its homeotermia (STOLEN; AZEVEDO; TINOCO, 2003). If these conditions are next to the ideals, are great the probability of if getting high productivity. The termoneutralidade zone is related to an ideal thermal environment, where the birds find conditions perfect to express its better characteristics productive.

Of the bioclimtico point of view, one of the main factors that influence in the thermal load of incident radiation are the roofs, mainly in result of the covering materials (INGLIO et al, 2007). In subtropical climates and tropical some values of temperature and relative humidity of air are restrictive to the development, to the production and the reproduction of the animals. This fact is proven, over all in the poultry keeping, being that the ability presented for the birds in the thermal exchange with the environment strong is affected by the installations as al was said by Inglio et, (2007). As the Brazilian sheds of birds they are not thermally isolated, the critical amplitude of external temperature and humidity immediately they are transferred to the interior of the sheds, being able to provoke high indices of mortality (NACAS et al., 1995).

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